Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need oxo-biodegradable plastic and Reverte®?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

How does it work?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

Does Reverte® really biodegrade, or does it just fragment?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

How much does it cost?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

Won’t it put existing factories out of business, with loss of jobs?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

What types of biodegradable plastics exist?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

What products are available in oxo-biodegradable plastic?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

What are the differences between the Reverte® oxo-biodegradable and hydro-biodegradable plastic, and advantages of the oxo-biodegradable process?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

What about energy recovery?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

Does Reverte® compost? Can it be composted?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

What happens to Reverte® in a landfill?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

Does oxo-biodegradable plastic contain “heavy metals”?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

Aren’t oxo-biodegradable plastics made from oil?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

But aren’t the hydro-biodegradable plastics renewable?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

Does Reverte® leave any harmful residues?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

Are components deliberately and totally lost?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

More careless disposal?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

Is Reverte® safe for food-contact?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.

Can Reverte® be marketed as biodegradable or compostable?

Thousands of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s environment every day, and will remain there for hundreds of years, unless collected for incineration. The oxo-biodegradable process provides an alternative to prohibiting plastic by providing the most effective method of plastic disposal without damaging the environment. The oil and natural gas based Reverte® has several advantages over the other vegetable based biodegradable option, hydro-biodegradation.

Isn’t it better to use paper bags?

A very small amount of Reverte® is put into the manufacturing process. This breaks the molecular chains in the polymer, and at the end of its useful life the product falls apart. The plastic does not just fragment, but will be consumed by bacteria and fungi after the additive has reduced the molecular weight to a level which permits micro-organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen.

Isn’t it better to use durable re-usable bags?

When the material has reached the fragmentation stage it is no longer a plastic, and is “biodegradable” in the same way as nature’s wastes such as straw and twigs. The process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers in the soil.